Is your baby waking up too early? In this guide I have some great tips that can help you tackle very early wake-ups.

My Journey to Sweet Baby Sleeps...

My oldest son was born in December 2020 and while I was expecting life with a newborn to be tough (as everyone warns you), I didn't expect to have a newborn with colic and reflux, which led me to have crippling postpartum anxiety.

I remember dreading night time - I would spend all day in so much anxiety thinking about what that night would bring. How much bouncing will it take to get him to sleep? How many times will he wake? My knees were bust from so much bouncing.

The sleep deprivation started affecting my relationships. It made me impatient and resentful towards my husband, and it made it hard for me to enjoy my baby. When my baby turned 4 months, I knew something had to change.

This couldn't be life for the next year, or who knows how long!?

My own journey...

So I reached out for help. Day 1 working with a baby sleep consultant and my baby slept 8 hours straight. Within the next 2 days, he was sleeping 11+ hours. My baby, who I thought was broken and forever bound to be an angry baby, was suddenly bright and happy and laughing throughout the day! I went from barely seeing my husband (because we took turns bouncing and holding the baby to sleep), to finally being able to spend quality time together again.

This shift was life changing for me. A feeling of gratitude, and most importantly, a strong sense of self came back to me so that I could be the mom, wife, and friend that I wanted to be.

This is how Sweet Baby Sleeps was born. Through my own incredible results, I felt inspired to get the best training available and became a certified sleep consultant. My passion is to educate you, to empower you to tune into your child, to help you find an approach that is best suited for your baby and your family, and to support you while you support your child through these changes.

"I highly recommend working with Brenda. She did wonders for my baby and I. He was waking up 4-6 times per night and taking forever to put back down, taking horrible and unpredictable naps during the day. I was exhausted. After even one night of working with Brenda from our personalized sleep plan, he was only waking 1-2 times and has slept through the night a handful of times already. She was patient, kind, and encouraging. Thank you Brenda!"

- Hannah T.

Follow me for tips about baby sleep so that everyone can experience that sweet sleep once again!

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